環境保護署 | |||
辦事處 | 地址 | 電話 | 星期一至五 |
稅務大樓辦事處 | 香港灣仔告士打道5號稅務大樓33樓 | 2824 3773 | 上午九時至下午五時 |
長沙灣政府合署辦事處 | 九龍長沙灣303號長沙灣政府合署8樓 | 2150 8006 | |
區域辦事處 (東) | 九龍九龍灣臨樂街19號南豐商業中心5樓 | 2755 5518 | |
區域辦事處 (南) | 香港鰂魚涌海灣街1號華懋交易廣場2樓 | 2516 1718 | |
區域辦事處 (西) | 新界荃灣西樓角路38號荃灣政府合署8樓 | 2417 6116 | |
區域辦事處 (北) | 新界沙田上禾輋路1號沙田政府合署10樓 | 2158 5757 | |
環境基建科辦事處 | 香港堅尼地城域多利道88號4樓西翼 | 2872 1888 | 上午九時至下午十二時三十分及 下午一時三十分至五時 |
土木工程拓展署 | |||
填料管理部 | 九龍公主道101號土木工程拓展署大樓5樓 | 2762 5608 | 上午九時至下午十二時三十分及 下午一時三十分至五時十五分 |
環境保護署 | |||
辦事處 | 地址 | 電話 | 星期一至五 |
總辦事處 | 香港灣仔告士打道5號稅務大樓33樓 | 2824 3773 | 上午九時至下午五時 |
修頓中心辦事處 | 香港軒尼詩道130號修頓中心28樓 | 2573 7746 | |
長沙灣政府合署辦事處 | 九龍長沙灣303號長沙灣政府合署8樓 | 2150 8006 | |
區域辦事處 (東) | 九龍九龍灣臨樂街19號南豐商業中心5樓 | 2755 5518 | |
區域辦事處 (南) | 香港鰂魚涌海灣街1號華懋交易廣場2樓 | 2516 1718 | |
區域辦事處 (西) | 新界荃灣西樓角路38號荃灣政府合署8樓 | 2417 6116 | |
區域辦事處 (北) | 新界沙田上禾輋路1號沙田政府合署10樓 | 2158 5757 | |
廢物設施組辦事處 | 香港堅尼地城域多利道88號2樓西翼 | 2872 1869 | |
土木工程拓展署 | |||
填料管理部 | 九龍公主道101號土木工程拓展署大樓5樓 | 2762 5608 | 上午九時至下午十二時三十分及 下午一時三十分至五時十五分 |
釋義 | |
(a) | 署長 –指環境保護署署長 |
(b) | 載運入帳票 – 指根據下文C4部分所載的「載運入帳票」發放條款向帳戶戶主發放的「載運入帳票」。 |
(c) | 政府 –指香港特別行政區政府。 |
(d) | 帳戶戶主 – 指已根據收費規例開立繳費帳戶的人或公司。 |
(e) | 收費規例 – 指《廢物處置(建築廢物處置收費)規例》(第354N章)。 |
(f) | 車輛總重 –指根據道路交通條例訂立的規例,車輛所有車輪傳送至路面的重量總和;如有拖車,亦包括拖車加諸拖曳車輛的任何重量。 |
(g) | 許可車輛總重 –指根據道路交通條例訂立的規例指定或釐定的最高車輛總重。 |
(h) | 報失期 – 指由署長決定將帳戶戶主報失的「載運入帳票」註銷的指明時限。 |
(i) | 訂明收費 – 指堆填費、篩選分類費或公眾填料費。 |
(j) | 訂明設施 – 指堆填區、廢物轉運站(離島廢物轉運設施)、篩選分類設施或公眾填料接收設施。 |
A. | 基本條款 |
A1 | 一般 |
(1) | 「基本條款」是根據收費規例制訂,須與收費規例、「使用條款」和「一般資料」一併閱讀。 |
(2) | 繳費帳戶申請一旦獲得批准,申請人即視作已接受下文列載的「基本條款」,並同意受其約束。 |
(3) | 如有違反任何「基本條款」,署長可撤銷有關繳費帳戶。 |
(4) | 就繳費帳戶的申請,每宗個別申請的繳費帳戶是專為一個價值$1,000,000或以上的特定建造工程合約而開立。凡署長已批准關於專為該特定建造工程合約而開立的繳費帳戶的申請,該繳費帳戶戶主必須確保(a)就根據該特定合約承辦的建造工程所產生的建築廢物而須繳付的任何訂明收費是使用該特定建造工程合約而開立的繳費帳戶繳付的:及(b)就任何其他建築廢物而須繳付的任何訂明收費不得使用該特定建造工程合約而開立的繳費帳戶繳付。 |
A2 | 更改資料 |
(1) | 就繳費帳戶提供予署長的資料如有變更,帳戶戶主必須在合理兼切實可行的範圍內盡快以書面形式將該項變更告知署長。 |
A3 | 結算程序 |
(1) | 帳戶戶主如在每月用以計算繳費通知及帳項的訂明收費的截數日起計14天內仍未收到有關通知,須通知署長。每月的19號為截數日。逾期仍未收到繳費通知,並不代表帳戶戶主可獲豁免在繳費通知註明的到期日或之前繳付有關的訂明收費及附加費。 |
(2) | 帳戶戶主在收到繳費通知時應檢查資料是否正確。如發現有任何錯漏,須於收到繳費通知當日起計7天內以書面通知署長。署長會就有關錯漏進行調查。如果有關事項的調查未及繳費通知的到期日前完成,則帳戶戶主仍須先行繳付該繳費通知所列的收費。 |
(3) | 如沒有明顯錯誤,繳費通知所列的資料將視為最終和不可推翻的資料,而帳戶戶主須繳付訂明收費及繳費通知指明的附加費。 |
(4) | 帳戶戶主如在繳費通知註明的到期日或之前仍未繳付訂明收費,須於自該附加費須予繳付的日期起計的14天內另外繳付附加費。如在14天的期限屆滿後仍未結清欠款,署長可暫時吊銷其繳費帳戶。 |
(5) | 如繳費帳戶被暫時吊銷,帳戶戶主會獲發最後繳費通知,要求自該通知的日期起計14天內繳付以下款項:
B. | 使用條款 |
B1 | 一般 |
(1) | 「使用條款」是根據收費規例制訂,須與收費規例、「基本條款」和「一般資料」一併閱讀。 |
(2) | 繳費帳戶申請一旦獲得批准,申請人即視作已接受下文列載的「使用條款」,並同意受其約束。 |
(3) | 某一載量的建築廢物如在送交時並無按照「使用條款」的規定,將不會獲訂明設施接收處置。 |
(4) | 「載運入帳票」的使用受有關帳戶隨附的「基本條款」及「使用條款」所規限。 |
B2 | 「載運入帳票」的使用 |
(1) | 「載運入帳票」只適用於申請書指明的合約。 |
(2) | 送交建築廢物的人,或由他人代為將有關廢物送交的人,必須是有效繳費帳戶的戶主用於處置申請書所指明的合約,有關廢物才會被訂明設施接收處置。 |
(3) | 「載運入帳票」上的適當位置必須清楚提供各項所須資料(即「訂明設施」、「使用日期」、「簽發人」和使用「載運入帳票」的車輛的「車牌號碼」),方可在訂明設施有效使用。「載運入帳票」只適用於票上所示車牌號碼的車輛。 |
(4) | 帳戶戶主或代為送交建築廢物的人須將「載運入帳票」的乙及丙部分交給設施操作員,以及按照其指示處置建築廢物。 |
(5) | 「載運入帳票」如有損毀或塗改,即作廢無效。帳戶戶主不應使用無效的「載運入帳票」。 |
(6) | 帳戶戶主須安全保管「載運入帳票」。 |
B3 | 混有其他廢物的建築廢物 |
(1) | 在訂明設施處置的建築廢物不得混有該等設施不會接收的其他廢物。 |
B4 | 建築廢物過磅及處置程序 |
(1) | 按照建築廢物過磅和「載運入帳票」處理程序,廢物運輸商必須:
(2) | 在傾倒建築廢物時,廢物運輸商必須:
(3) | 在進行過磅程序時,廢物運輸商必須:
B5 | 一般建築廢物處置規定 |
(1) | 使用訂明設施處置廢物服務的車輛的車輛總重不得超過許可車輛總重。 |
(2) | 車輛必須妥善保養,不得有任何滲漏及對訂明設施造成污染。 |
(3) | 車輛在訂明設施使用廢物處置服務時必須注意安全。 |
(4) | 遇有意外 / 火警,駕駛者必須立即向設施操作員報告及求助,並嚴格遵從其指示。 |
(5) | 除非設施操作員另有指示,否則駕駛者必須時刻遵守訂明設施範圍內的交通管制標誌 / 訊號。在訂明設施內進行任何活動時,必須時刻留意在訂明設施內的其他人士。 |
(6) | 除非在緊急情況中要避免人命及財物的損失,否則在訂明設施範圍內禁止響號。 |
(7) | 駕駛者在訂明設施範圍內使用車輛前燈時應亮低燈。 |
C. | 一般資料 |
C1 | 一般 |
(1) | 倘若因例行保養 / 大修、緊急維修或任何其他理由而須關閉訂明設施,不論有否事先通知,署長無須為這些行動對任何人所造成的損害或損失負責。 |
(2) | 不得向訂明設施的任何操作員提供禮物或利益。如發現訂明設施的任何操作員向帳戶戶主或其代表索取利益,應向廉正公署舉報。 |
C2 | 建築廢物的重量釐定 |
(1) | 用以計算每一建築廢物載量的訂明收費的建築廢物重量,是車輛在訂明設施的入口磅橋和出口磅橋記錄所得的車輛總重的差額。 |
(2) | 如因廢物運輸商沒有在訂明設施的出口磅橋停車,而使車輛總重未有記錄,則有關建築廢物的重量須視為該車輛在入口磅橋記錄所得的車輛總重。 |
(3) | 如因廢物運輸商沒有在訂明設施的入口磅橋停車,而使車輛總重未有記錄,則有關建築廢物的重量須視為該車輛的許可車輛總重。 |
C3 | 結算程序 |
(1) | 每月的繳費通知會以郵寄方式發給帳戶戶主。帳戶戶主可選擇以書面或電子形式收取每月的建築廢物交收資料。如以電郵收取建築廢物交收資料,本署將不另行寄出有關資料。 |
(2) | 繳費通知上指明須予繳付的訂明收費,是帳戶戶主在繳費通知訂明的期間內送交或由他人代為送交訂明設施處置的每一建築廢物載量應付的訂明收費的總和。 |
(3) | 在結清繳費通知所列的到期應付欠款方面,所繳付的款項會按到期日順序清繳尚欠的款項,包括繳費通知所列的附加費。 |
(4) | 如被暫時吊銷/撤銷的繳費帳戶中所有尚欠的訂明收費及附加費均已結清,則署長可應該帳戶戶主的申請,在附加或不附加任何條款的情況下恢復該繳費帳戶。 |
C4 | 「載運入帳票」發放條款 |
(1) | 申請「載運入帳票」時,帳戶戶主須繳付最低金額的按金,作為繳付收費規例下任何訂明收費或附加費的保證。 |
(2) | 帳戶戶主於首次申請「載運入帳票」時,200張或以下須繳付最低按金15,000元。 200張以上須根據申請「載運入帳票」的數目按比例增加按金的金額(即每張75元)。 |
(3) | 帳戶戶主可以填寫表格四申請發出另加的「載運入帳票」。 |
(4) | 領取或代領「載運入帳票」的人在領取「載運入帳票」時,須向署長出示身分證明文件,以供查核。 |
(5) | 透過郵遞方式收取「載運入帳票」後,帳戶戶主須傳真回條致環境保護署 (傳真:2872 0509)確認收妥「載運入帳票」。「載運入帳票」在指明方法確認後兩個工作天(不包括星期六、日及公眾假期)方可使用。 |
(6) | 已損毀或因塗改而失效的「載運入帳票」可交回署長,以申請發放新的「載運入帳票」或退回按金,惟必須結清所有到期應付的欠款。 |
(7) | 帳戶結束時,帳戶戶主須將所有未經使用的「載運入帳票」交還署長,以申請退回按金,惟必須結清所有應付的欠款。 |
C5 | 遺失「載運入帳票」 |
(1) | 「載運入帳票」如有遺失/被竊,帳戶戶主須立即以書面通知署長。 |
(2) | 在收到帳戶戶主通知的一段指明「 報失期」後,署長會把帳戶戶主報失的「載運入帳票」註銷。報失期一般為兩個工作天(不包括星期六、日及公眾假期),由署長於收到書面通知後按次告知帳戶戶主。報失期屆滿後,帳戶戶主報失的所有「載運入帳票」均會作廢無效。 |
(3) | 帳戶戶主可能須就該「載運入帳票」於報失期屆滿前所涉及的交易負責。 |
C6 | 接收建築廢物準則 |
(1) | 訂明設施不會接收收費規例指明的建築廢物種類以外的其他建築廢物。某一載量的建築廢物如不符合接收廢物準則,廢物運輸商會於訂明設施獲發拒收通知。 |
釋義 | |
(a) | 署長 –指環境保護署署長 |
(b) | 載運入帳票 – 指根據下文C4部分所載的「載運入帳票」發放條款向帳戶戶主發放的「載運入帳票」。 |
(c) | 政府 –指香港特別行政區政府。 |
(d) | 帳戶戶主 – 指已根據收費規例開立繳費帳戶的人或公司。 |
(e) | 收費規例 – 指《廢物處置(建築廢物處置收費)規例》(第354N章)。 |
(f) | 車輛總重 –指根據道路交通條例訂立的規例,車輛所有車輪傳送至路面的重量總和;如有拖車,亦包括拖車加諸拖曳車輛的任何重量。 |
(g) | 許可車輛總重 –指根據道路交通條例訂立的規例指定或釐定的最高車輛總重。 |
(h) | 報失期 – 指由署長決定將帳戶戶主報失的「載運入帳票」註銷的指明時限。 |
(i) | 訂明收費 – 指堆填費、篩選分類費或公眾填料費。 |
(j) | 訂明設施 – 指堆填區、廢物轉運站(離島廢物轉運設施)、篩選分類設施或公眾填料接收設施。 |
A. | 基本條款 |
A1 | 一般 |
(1) | 「基本條款」是根據收費規例制訂,須與收費規例、「使用條款」和「一般資料」一併閱讀。 |
(2) | 繳費帳戶申請一旦獲得批准,申請人即視作已接受下文列載的「基本條款」,並同意受其約束。 |
(3) | 如有違反任何「基本條款」,署長可撤銷有關繳費帳戶。 |
A2 | 更改資料 |
(1) | 就繳費帳戶提供予署長的資料如有變更,帳戶戶主必須在合理兼切實可行的範圍內盡快以書面形式將該項變更告知署長。 |
A3 | 結算程序 |
(1) | 帳戶戶主如在每月用以計算繳費通知及帳項的訂明收費的截數日起計14天內仍未收到有關通知,須通知署長。每月的19號為截數日。逾期仍未收到繳費通知,並不代表帳戶戶主可獲豁免在繳費通知註明的到期日或之前繳付有關的訂明收費及附加費。 |
(2) | 帳戶戶主在收到繳費通知時應檢查資料是否正確。如發現有任何錯漏,須於收到繳費通知當日起計7天內以書面通知署長。署長會就有關錯漏進行調查。如果有關事項的調查未及繳費通知的到期日前完成,則帳戶戶主仍須先行繳付該繳費通知所列的收費。 |
(3) | 如沒有明顯錯誤,繳費通知所列的資料將視為最終和不可推翻的資料,而帳戶戶主須繳付訂明收費及繳費通知指明的附加費。 |
(4) | 帳戶戶主如在繳費通知註明的到期日或之前仍未繳付訂明收費,須於自該附加費須予繳付的日期起計的14天內另外繳付附加費。如在14天的期限屆滿後仍未結清欠款,署長可暫時吊銷其繳費帳戶。 |
(5) | 如繳費帳戶被暫時吊銷,帳戶戶主會獲發最後繳費通知,要求自該通知的日期起計14天內繳付以下款項:
B. | 使用條款 |
B1 | 一般 |
(1) | 「使用條款」是根據收費規例制訂,須與收費規例、「基本條款」和「一般資料」一併閱讀。 |
(2) | 繳費帳戶申請一旦獲得批准,申請人即視作已接受下文列載的「使用條款」,並同意受其約束。 |
(3) | 某一載量的建築廢物如在送交時並無按照「使用條款」的規定,將不會獲訂明設施接收處置。 |
(4) | 「載運入帳票」的使用受有關帳戶隨附的「基本條款」及「使用條款」所規限。 |
B2 | 「載運入帳票」的使用 |
(1) | 送交建築廢物的人,或由他人代為將有關廢物送交的人,必須是有效繳費帳戶的戶主用於處置申請書所指明的合約,有關廢物才會被訂明設施接收處置。 |
(2) | 「載運入帳票」上的適當位置必須清楚提供各項所須資料(即「訂明設施」、「使用日期」、「簽發人」和使用「載運入帳票」的車輛的「車牌號碼」),方可在訂明設施有效使用。「載運入帳票」只適用於票上所示車牌號碼的車輛。 |
(3) | 帳戶戶主或代為送交建築廢物的人須將「載運入帳票」的乙及丙部分交給設施操作員,以及按照其指示處置建築廢物。 |
(4) | 「載運入帳票」如有損毀或塗改,即作廢無效。帳戶戶主不應使用無效的「載運入帳票」。 |
(5) | 帳戶戶主須安全保管「載運入帳票」。 |
B3 | 混有其他廢物的建築廢物 |
(1) | 在訂明設施處置的建築廢物不得混有該等設施不會接收的其他廢物。 |
B4 | 建築廢物過磅及處置程序 |
(1) | 按照建築廢物過磅和「載運入帳票」處理程序,廢物運輸商必須:
(2) | 在傾倒建築廢物時,廢物運輸商必須:
(3) | 在進行過磅程序時,廢物運輸商必須:
B5 | 一般建築廢物處置規定 |
(1) | 使用訂明設施處置廢物服務的車輛的車輛總重不得超過許可車輛總重。 |
(2) | 車輛必須妥善保養,不得有任何滲漏及對訂明設施造成污染。 |
(3) | 車輛在訂明設施使用廢物處置服務時必須注意安全。 |
(4) | 遇有意外 / 火警,駕駛者必須立即向設施操作員報告及求助,並嚴格遵從其指示。 |
(5) | 除非設施操作員另有指示,否則駕駛者必須時刻遵守訂明設施範圍內的交通管制標誌 / 訊號。在訂明設施內進行任何活動時,必須時刻留意在訂明設施內的其他人士。 |
(6) | 除非在緊急情況中要避免人命及財物的損失,否則在訂明設施範圍內禁止響號。 |
(7) | 駕駛者在訂明設施範圍內使用車輛前燈時應亮低燈。 |
C. | 一般資料 |
C1 | 一般 |
(1) | 倘若因例行保養 / 大修、緊急維修或任何其他理由而須關閉訂明設施,不論有否事先通知,署長無須為這些行動對任何人所造成的損害或損失負責。 |
(2) | 不得向訂明設施的任何操作員提供禮物或利益。如發現訂明設施的任何操作員向帳戶戶主或其代表索取利益,應向廉正公署舉報。 |
C2 | 建築廢物的重量釐定 |
(1) | 用以計算每一建築廢物載量的訂明收費的建築廢物重量,是車輛在訂明設施的入口磅橋和出口磅橋記錄所得的車輛總重的差額。 |
(2) | 如因廢物運輸商沒有在訂明設施的出口磅橋停車,而使車輛總重未有記錄,則有關建築廢物的重量須視為該車輛在入口磅橋記錄所得的車輛總重。 |
(3) | 如因廢物運輸商沒有在訂明設施的入口磅橋停車,而使車輛總重未有記錄,則有關建築廢物的重量須視為該車輛的許可車輛總重。 |
C3 | 結算程序 |
(1) | 每月的繳費通知會以郵寄方式發給帳戶戶主。帳戶戶主可選擇以書面或電子形式收取每月的建築廢物交收資料。如以電郵收取建築廢物交收資料,本署將不另行寄出有關資料。 |
(2) | 繳費通知上指明須予繳付的訂明收費,是帳戶戶主在繳費通知訂明的期間內送交或由他人代為送交訂明設施處置的每一建築廢物載量應付的訂明收費的總和。 |
(3) | 在結清繳費通知所列的到期應付欠款方面,所繳付的款項會按到期日順序清繳尚欠的款項,包括繳費通知所列的附加費。 |
(4) | 如被暫時吊銷/撤銷的繳費帳戶中所有尚欠的訂明收費及附加費均已結清,則署長可應該帳戶戶主的申請,在附加或不附加任何條款的情況下恢復該繳費帳戶。 |
C4 | 「載運入帳票」發放條款 |
(1) | 申請「載運入帳票」時,帳戶戶主須繳付最低金額的按金,作為繳付收費規例下任何訂明收費或附加費的保證。 |
(2) | 帳戶戶主於首次申請「載運入帳票」時,須繳每張300元的按金(適用於所有訂明設施的繳費帳戶)或每張75元的按金(只識用於離島廢物轉運設施的繳費帳戶)。所需按金會以申請的「載運入帳票」數量而計算。 |
(3) | 帳戶戶主可以填寫表格四申請發出另加的「載運入帳票」。 |
(4) | 領取或代領「載運入帳票」的人在領取「載運入帳票」時,須向署長出示身分證明文件,以供查核。 |
(5) | 透過郵遞方式收取「載運入帳票」後,帳戶戶主須傳真回條致環境保護署 (傳真:2872 0509)確認收妥「載運入帳票」。「載運入帳票」在指明方法確認後兩個工作天(不包括星期六、日及公眾假期)方可使用。 |
(6) | 已損毀或因塗改而失效的「載運入帳票」可交回署長,以申請發放新的「載運入帳票」或退回按金,惟必須結清所有到期應付的欠款。 |
(7) | 帳戶結束時,帳戶戶主須將所有未經使用的「載運入帳票」交還署長,以申請退回按金,惟必須結清所有應付的欠款。 |
C5 | 遺失「載運入帳票」 |
(1) | 「載運入帳票」如有遺失/被竊,帳戶戶主須立即以書面通知署長。 |
(2) | 在收到帳戶戶主通知的一段指明「 報失期」後,署長會把帳戶戶主報失的「載運入帳票」註銷。報失期一般為兩個工作天(不包括星期六、日及公眾假期),由署長於收到書面通知後按次告知帳戶戶主。報失期屆滿後,帳戶戶主報失的所有「載運入帳票」均會作廢無效。 |
(3) | 帳戶戶主可能須就該「載運入帳票」於報失期屆滿前所涉及的交易負責。 |
C6 | 接收建築廢物準則 |
(1) | 訂明設施不會接收收費規例指明的建築廢物種類以外的其他建築廢物。某一載量的建築廢物如不符合接收廢物準則,廢物運輸商會於訂明設施獲發拒收通知。 |
(a) | Director – means the Director of Environmental Protection. |
(b) | Vessel Chit – means a Chit issued to account-holder in accordance with Section C4: Vessel Chit Issuance. |
(c) | Government – means the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. |
(d) | Account-holder – means a person or a company who has established a billing account under the Charging Regulation. |
(e) | Charging Regulation – means Waste Disposal (Charges for Disposal of Construction Waste) Regulation (Cap. 354N). |
(f) | Maximum load – means the weight of the maximum load that the vessel is capable of carrying, as determined by the Director under Section 12(2) of the Charging Regulation. |
(g) | Notification Period – means a specified period of time as determined by the Director for which a vessel chit reported lost by the account-holder will be voided. |
(h) | Prescribed charge – means a landfill charge, sorting charge or public fill charge. |
(i) | Prescribed facility – means a landfill, refuse transfer station (Outlying Islands Transfer Facilities), sorting facility or public fill reception facility. |
A1 | General |
(1) | Basic Conditions are made under the Charging Regulation and should be read in conjunction with the Charging Regulation, Conditions of Use for Vessel Disposal and General Information. |
(2) | Upon approval of the application of vessel disposal, the successful applicant shall deem to have accepted the conditions of the Basic Conditions set out herein and to be bound by them. |
(3) | In the event of any breach of the Basic Conditions, the Director may revoke the approval. |
(4) | The account-holder shall ensure that the billing account is solely used for paying any prescribed charge payable in respect of construction waste generated from construction works under the contract specified in the application. The billing account shall not be used for the disposal of any other construction waste from other construction waste generated sites not specified in the application form. |
A2 | Changes of Information |
(1) | The account-holder shall as soon as reasonably practicable inform the Director in writing of any changes in the information provided to the Director in relation to the vessel disposal. |
A3 | Accounting Procedures |
(1) | The account-holder shall inform the Director if a notice of demand is NOT received within 14 days of the date of monthly cut-off for purpose of determining the prescribed charge and issuance of monthly notice of demand. Non-receipt of the notice of demand does not exempt the account-holder from the requirement to pay the prescribed charges and surcharge on or before the due dates stated on the notice of demand. |
(2) | Upon receipt of the notice of demand, the account-holder shall examine the notice and notify the Director in writing of any error or omission within 7 days from the receipt of the notice of demand. The Director shall investigate such error or omission. If investigation on such error or omission cannot be finalised before the due date stated on the notice of demand, the account-holder shall settle such notice of demand first. |
(3) | The notice of demand shall be final and conclusive in the absence of manifest error. The account-holder shall pay the prescribed charges and where applicable surcharge as specified in the notice of demand. |
(4) | If an account-holder does not settle the notice of demand for prescribed charges on or before the due date, he shall also be liable to pay a surcharge as shown in the notice of demand within 14 days from the date of which the surcharge becomes payable. Upon expiry of the 14 days, the Director may suspend the billing account if the outstanding charges remain unsettled. |
(5) | Upon suspension of the billing account, the account-holder will be notified through a final notice of demand requiring him to pay, within 14 days from the date of that notice:
B1 | General |
(1) | Conditions of Use for Vessel Disposal are made under the Charging Regulation and should be read in conjunction with the Charging Regulation, Basic Conditions and General Information. |
(2) | Upon approval of the application for a vessel disposal, the successful applicant shall deem to have accepted the conditions of the Conditions of Use for Vessel Disposal set out herein and to be bound by them. |
(3) | In the event that an inert construction waste load is not delivered in accordance with the Conditions of Use for Vessel Disposal, the waste load concerned will not be accepted for disposal at the prescribed facility. |
(4) | Use of Vessel Chit is governed by the Basic Conditions and Conditions of Use for Vessel Disposal accompanied with the billing account. |
B2 | Use of Vessel Chit |
(1) | Vessel chits shall be used solely in respect of the contract specified in the application. |
(2) | Inert construction waste may be accepted for disposal at a prescribed facility only if the person delivers it or on whose behalf it is delivered, is the account-holder of the valid billing account for the contract specified in the application. |
(3) | A Vessel Chit is valid for use at a prescribed facility if all the required fields (i.e. "Prescribed Facility", "Date of Use", "Issued by" and "Vessel Licence No." of the vessel using the Vessel Chit) have been completed clearly in the appropriate space provided on the Vessel Chit. A Vessel Chit is only valid for vessel with the Vessel Licence No. as shown on the Vessel Chit. |
(4) | Account-holder or the person delivering inert construction waste on his behalf shall present Part B & C of a valid Vessel Chit to the facility operator and follow instructions of the operator for disposal of inert construction waste. |
(5) | Any damage or alternation made to a Vessel Chit will render the Vessel Chit invalid. Invalid Vessel Chits shall not be used. |
(6) | The account-holder shall be responsible for the safe custody of the Vessel Chits. |
B3 | Inert Construction Waste Acceptance Criteria |
(1) | The inert construction waste accepted by public fill reception facility shall consist entirely of inert construction waste as stipulated in column 3 of item 4 in Schedule 2 of Waste Disposal (Designated Waste Disposal Facility) Regulation (WD(DWDF)R). For inert construction waste mixed with other wastes not complying with the acceptance criteria of the public fill reception facility, rejection advice will be provided to the Vessel Master. |
B4 | Inert Construction Waste Disposal Procedures at Prescribed Facilities |
(1) | On arrival at the mooring of the prescribed facility, the Vessel Master needs to present the Vessel Chit and report to the Officer-in-Charge of the prescribed facility. The use of berth and disposal order will be on first-come-first-serve basis. The duration for disposal would depend on various factors such as the number of barges awaiting for the disposal operation, handling capacity of the prescribed facility and existing site conditions. Users shall include these factors in planning the programme of vessel disposal. |
(2) | The Vessel Master shall provide assistance on board and allow access to the Officer-in-Charge or his authorized officer of the prescribed facility to inspect the inert construction waste load on the vessel. Vessel carrying waste load with entire inert content of construction waste will be allowed to enter the prescribed facility for disposal. Otherwise (i.e. not loaded with entire inert content), the vessel will not be allowed to enter the prescribed facility for disposal. If unacceptable material is found during the unloading of material, the remaining load will be rejected. |
(3) | If the load in the vessel is suspected containing large amount of non-inert material covered by the inert material, the Officer-in-Charge or his authorized officer could conduct further inspection to ensure the load is comply with the acceptance criteria (i.e. entire inert content). The Vessel Master shall provide necessary assistance to facilitate the inspection. |
(4) | The Vessel Master or the hauler shall be responsible for unloading the inert construction waste material from the vessel to the seafront loading area designated by the Officer-in-Charge of the prescribed facility. |
(5) | The Vessel Master shall follow the order or signal of the authorized officer:
(6) | On request of the authorized office, the Vessel Master shall:
B5 | General Construction Waste Vessel Disposal Requirements |
(1) | The vessel for the purpose of disposal shall be steel lighter or steel hopper barge. |
(2) | The load carried by a vessel using the waste disposal service of the prescribed facilities shall not exceed the maximum load as agreed with the Director. |
(3) | Vessels shall be properly maintained and shall not leak and cause pollution to the prescribed facilities and the marine environment in the vicinity. |
(4) | Vessels shall be safely operated when using waste disposal service at the prescribed facilities. |
(5) | In the event of accident/fire, the Vessel Master shall report to and seek assistance immediately from the facility operator and follow his instruction strictly. |
(6) | The Vessel Master shall at all times follow the traffic control signs/signals within the prescribed facilities unless otherwise directed by the facility operator. He shall at all times be aware of other persons in the prescribed facilities when he performs any activity within the prescribed facilities. |
(7) | The use of vessel horn in the prescribed facilities is prohibited unless under emergency situation in order to avoid danger to life or property. |
(8) | The Vessel Master shall dip the headlights of his vessel within the prescribed facilities when the headlights are in use. |
B6 | Master Delivery Programme and 4-weeks Rolling Programme |
(1) | The account holder shall submit a Master Delivery Programme and notify CEDD at least 28 days in advance prior to the commencement of vessel disposal works. |
(2) | The account holder shall submit the 4-weeks Rolling Programme to CEDD on weekly basis. |
C1 | General |
(1) | The Director shall not be liable to any person for any damage or loss caused due to the closure of any prescribed facilities as a result of routine maintenance/overhaul, urgent repairs, or any other reasons with or without prior notice. |
(2) | No gift or advantage shall be offered to any operators of the prescribed facilities. The account-holder or whom on his behalf is advised to report to the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) if any operators of the prescribed facilities solicit advantages from him. |
C2 | Determination of Weight of Inert Construction Waste |
(1) | The Maximum Load of the vessel as determined by the Director of Environment Protection shall be used for the purpose of calculating the public fill charge. Only approved vessels shall be used for the delivery of inert construction waste material to the prescribed facility. |
C3 | Accounting Procedures |
(1) | Upon approval of a billing account application, the account-holder will be notified the date of monthly cut-off for purpose of determining the prescribed charges and issuance of monthly construction waste transaction information and the notice of demand for payment of prescribed charges. If the date falls on a public holiday, the date shall be the following working day. |
(2) | The monthly notice of demand will be sent to the account-holder by post. Monthly construction waste transaction information can either be sent by post or through E-mail at the account-holder’s choice. Hard copy will not be sent if construction waste transaction information has been sent by E-mail. |
(3) | The amount of prescribed charges specified in the notice of demand shall be calculated as the sum of all the prescribed charges payable in respect of the weight of each load of construction waste delivered by the account-holder or on his behalf to the prescribed facilities for the period as specified in the notice of demand. |
(4) | For settlement of outstanding notices of demand, payment of any monies shall be used to settle the outstanding amounts including the surcharges stated in the notices of demand in the chronological order of their due dates. |
(5) | On the application of the account-holder for reinstating a suspended/revoked billing account, the Director may, with or without conditions, reinstate the billing account if all the outstanding prescribed charges and surcharge under the suspended/revoked account have been paid. |
C4 | Vessel Chit Issuance |
(1) | For request of Vessel Chit issuance, the account-holder is required to pay a deposit as security for payment of prescribed charges and surcharges under the Charging Regulation. |
(2) | When the account-holder requests for Vessel Chit issuance, he is required to pay a deposit of $40,000 for each Chit. For issuance of more Vessel Chits, additional deposit on a pro-rata basis (i.e. $40,000 per vessel chit) shall be paid. |
(3) | The account-holder may apply in writing for issuance of additional Vessel Chits. |
(4) | For collection of Vessel Chits in person, any person to whom or on whose behalf the Chits are issued will be required to produce his identity document to the Director for examination. |
(5) | For receipt of Vessel Chits by post, the account-holder should acknowledge receipt by contacting Environmental Protection Department by phone. The Vessel Chits can only be used two clear days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays) after acknowledgement of receipt in the specified manner. |
(6) | Damaged Vessel Chits or Vessel Chits that have become invalid due to alteration may be returned to the Director for application for re-issuance of new Vessel Chits or for refund of deposit subject to settlement of any outstanding charges. |
(7) | Upon closure of the account, the account-holder shall return those unused Vessel Chits to the Director for application for deposit refund subject to settlement of any outstanding charges. |
C5 | Loss of Vessel Chits |
(1) | The account-holder shall report to the Director in writing immediately if his vessel chits have been lost/stolen. |
(2) | The Director will then void the lost/stolen Vessel Chits as reported by the account-holder after a specified Notification Period following receipt of the written notification by the account-holder. The Notification Period, usually two clear days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays), would be advised by the Director on a case-by-case basis upon receiving the written notification. After expiry of the Notification Period, the Vessel Chits reported lost/stolen by the account-holder will become invalid. |
(3) | The account-holder may be liable for transactions that have already been made before expiry of the Notification Period. |
C6 | Prescribed Facility for Vessel Disposal |
(1) | Currently, there are only two public fill reception facilities, one in Tuen Mun Area 38 and one in Tseung Kwan O Area 137, for vessel disposal of inert construction waste. The Director shall give notice in the Gazette on the addition or deletion of public fill reception facility, from time to time, for the purpose of vessel disposal. |
首次申請發出「載運入帳票」,你會獲通知要繳付的按金數目,按金要求請參閱有關繳費帳戶隨附的「一般資料」。 |
如不是首次申請發出「載運入帳票」及所申請的「載運入帳票」數目超過已繳付的按金所涵蓋的「載運入帳票」數目,請在下列適當的圓格內劃上「◉」號。 |
例子:帳戶戶主已繳交 3,000元按金獲發10張「載運入帳票」。其後,他使用了5張「載運入帳票」並支付了其中2張「載運入帳票」的廢物處置費用。現在他申請8張「載運入帳票」,應繳額外增加的按金 = 每張300元 x (8-2) = 1,800元。如不增加按金,現只可發出2張「載運入帳票」,因已繳交有關的廢物處置費用。 |
個人資料收集聲明 | |
收集個人資料的目的 | |
1. | 申請人在這份表格上及就有關申請所提供的個人資料,環境保護署將用於下列一項或多項用途:
2. | 申請人必須提供申請表格所要求的個人資料。 |
獲轉交個人資料人士的類別 | |
3. | 申請人在這份表格上及就有關申請所提供的個人資料,環境保護署可向下列人士披露:
查閱個人資料 | |
4. | 根據《個人資料(私隱)條例》的規定,你有權要求查閱和更改與其申請有關的個人資料。 |
查詢 | |
5. | 你如欲行使其權利,要求查閱和更改與其申請有關的個人資料,請把以中文或英文填寫的查閱資料申請書交往以下地址: 高級環境保護主任(知識管理) (地址:新界沙田沙田鄉事會路138號新城市中央廣場第2座22樓2215室) 致電2838 3111或傳真至2838 3111 |
個人資料收集聲明 | |
收集個人資料的目的 | |
1. | 申請人在這份表格上及就有關申請所提供的個人資料,環境保護署將用於下列一項或多項用途:
2. | 申請人必須提供申請表格所要求的個人資料。 |
獲轉交個人資料人士的類別 | |
3. | 申請人在這份表格上及就有關申請所提供的個人資料,環境保護署可向下列人士披露:
查閱個人資料 | |
4. | 根據《個人資料(私隱)條例》的規定,你有權要求查閱和更改與其申請有關的個人資料。 |
查詢 | |
5. | 你如欲行使其權利,要求查閱和更改與其申請有關的個人資料,請把以中文或英文填寫的查閱資料申請書交往以下地址: 高級環境保護主任(知識管理) (地址:新界沙田沙田鄉事會路138號新城市中央廣場第2座22樓2215室) 致電2838 3111或傳真至2838 3111 |
個人資料收集聲明 | |
收集個人資料的目的 | |
1. | 申請人在這份表格上及就有關申請所提供的個人資料,環境保護署將用於下列一項或多項用途:
2. | 申請人必須提供申請表格所要求的個人資料。如果你不提供足夠的資料,你的申請將被視作並非妥當作出而不會予以處理。 |
獲轉交個人資料人士的類別 | |
3. | 申請人在這份表格上及就有關申請所提供的個人資料,環境保護署可向下列人士披露:
查閱個人資料 | |
4. | 根據個人資料(私隱)條例第 18 條及第 22 條及附表 1 第 6 原則的規定,申請人有權查閱和更改個人資料。申請人查閱個人資料的權利,包括取得申請人所提供的個人資料副本。 |
查詢 | |
5. | 申請人如欲查詢所提供個人資料,包括查閱和更改個人資料,可寄信至「香港堅尼地城域多利道88號2樓西翼」、傳真至2591 0361或致電2872 1838,向總環境保護督察(收費課)提出。 |
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